Houston Attorney on Public Lewdness under Texas Law

Texas law provides for a host of misdemeanor offenses related to sexual contact even between consenting adults. One such offense is public lewdness which vaguely provides for punishment against public “sexual contact.” Young adults or even married couples engaging in activities in a parked car or in the back of the movie theater are common factual situations in which an arrest is made in Houston or Harris County, Texas.
Texas Penal Code Section 21.07
Texas Penal Code Section 21.07 provides that any man or woman who knowingly engages in any of the following acts in either a public place or a non-public place but in a reckless manner that might alarm or offend another person:
- act of sexual contact;
- act of sexual intercourse;
- act of deviate sexual intercourse;
- sexual contact with an animal or fowl.
The class A misdemeanor offense of public lewd behavior provides for a maximum sentence of one year in county jail and/or a $4,000 fine.
Finding Experienced Representation
If you have been arrested for any misdemeanor sexual offense in Houston in Harris County, The Woodlands in Montgomery County, Texas or any surrounding area, then contact experienced Houston criminal defense attorney, Matt Horak to discuss the facts of your case and possible defenses.